Spreading the Faith 2
As I said in the previous post, I am fascinated by how those first pioneers of our Faith actually spoke to people who had never ever...

Spreading the Faith
I am fascinated by how those first pioneers of our Faith actually spoke to people who had never ever heard the name of Christ before....

After the Big Three
After the big three, Saints Ninian, Columba and Mungo, Scotland was blessed with many other early saints building on the work of their...

The Big Three
Saint Ninian, Saint Columba and Saint Mungo are the big three of our earliest Christian history in Scotland. Saint Ninian died in 432,...

Saint Mungo and Saint Columba
There is a tradition that Saint Mungo and Saint Columba met and exchanged pastoral staffs as a sign of respect for the work which each...

Saint Mungo
Living at the same time as Saint Columba was Saint Mungo, or Kentigern. His mother was Saint Enoch, (or Teneu, or Thenew or Thenog) hence...

St Columba and "Nessie"
From Iona, Saint Columba and his monks fanned out initially over the Highlands and Islands of Scotland, and in later times further afield...

St Columba to Iona
Tradition has it that on his journey from Ireland, Saint Columba stopped at various points on the western seaboard of Scotland. If he...

Saint Columba
Saint Columba, or Columcille, came from Ireland to the island of Iona in the year 563. He was born at Gartan, Co. Donegal, of royal...

St Ninian and St Bede
Saint Ninian died in the year 432. Saint Bede the Venerable (672-735) writes in his 'Ecclesiatical History of the English People' that...