The "Day Book" mentioned in the last post (front cover above) covers fifteen years (1741-56) at the College. Despite its name it does not include entries for every day, but records only those events that were considered especially worthy of note. I hope that they will open the door of Scalan for the reader, as it were, to show its day-to-day life from the inside.
The text follows the manner of punctuation and spelling typical of the mid-eighteenth century in both its occasional use of archaic forms and its lack of standardisation. The meanings of the code words, aliases and abbreviations that are used are explained in the footnotes, at their first point of occurrence. The footnotes also provide brief information regarding several of the more important persons and places referred to, as well as some other clarifications. and the local places mentioned in the text.
If you would like a copy, please send a cheque for £5 (which includes postage) to Fr. Michael Briody, St. Michael's, 133 Glenmanor Avenue, Moodiesburn, G69 0DL.